The Omicron Alumni Association cordially invites you home,
to celebrate 101 years of fine living at Edgemoor.
An upstart fraternity took the opportunity of the century, and made the finest spot on the hill its home, 101 years ago. That calls for a celebration. Come to reconnect with friends, to reconnect with Cornell, and to see how important Lambda Chi Alpha remains to today's undergraduates. Come home to Edgemoor.
Fri.–Sat., October 21–22, 2022
125 Edgemoor Lane, Ithaca, New York
Tickets: $25 per person
Includes Friday welcome event, Saturday continental breakfast, Saturday reception, Saturday banquet
Friday, Oct. 21
- 6:00pm – 10:00pm — Welcome reception. Check in at the ΛΧΑ house and connect with other brothers. Light refreshments.
- activity suggestion 6:00pm – Women's Ice Hockey vs. Mercyhurst.
Saturday, Oct. 22
- 10:00am – 10:30am — All-Alumni Meeting and Elections (casual attire)
Official welcome, reports from ISWZA and the OAA, and board elections. - 10:30am – 11:30am — “Past the Pandemic” Panel
Your questions answered on life at the house and the state of the Greek system at Cornell in 2022, featuring representatives from ISWZA, the OAA, and the undergraduate chapter. - 11:30am – 1:00pm — Affinity lunches
Grab a bite to eat with your friends and classmates. Or join the undergraduates and the Omans Memorial Committee for pizza. - 1:00pm – 3:00pm — Omans Memorial Committee Talk
A townhall with undergraduates on student mental health led by Alex "Baba" Aidun '08 and the Matthew Omans Memorial Committee - 3:00pm – 6:00pm — Affinity time
Explore campus and visit your old stomping grounds with friends. activity suggestions: Cornell Biennial exhibits, Johnson Art Museum; Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Hot Truck sandwiches at Shortstop Deli; 3:00pm Women's Ice Hockey vs. Mercyhurst - 6:00pm – 7:00pm — Reception (coat and tie suggested)
Connect across generations with brothers back at the house: who has the largest lineage? Who's living in your old room? Performance by The Class Notes a capella group (tentative). - 6:45pm — Group photograph.
- 7:00pm – 8:30pm — Edgemoor 101 Banquet & Awards (coat and tie suggested)
Formal dinner at the house (preregistration required). Speakers TBA. - 8:30pm – Brotherhood social.
Sunday, Oct. 23
- Safe travels home!
The Omicron Alumni Association has secured a block of rooms at the Best Western University Inn on East Hill Plaza at the discounted rate of $189 per night. The hotel operates a complimentary shuttle to campus from 7am to 11pm and provides a continental breakfast.
For additional lodging options, visit the Ithaca/Tompkins County Convention & Visitors Bureau or your favorite booking website.