Founded in 1909, Lambda Chi Alpha is one of the largest fraternities in North America, with over 280,000 initiates representing 300 chapters. The Cornell chapter is one of the oldest, having held our charter continuously since our 1913 induction by the founder of Lambda Chi Alpha himself, Warren A. Cole.
We have known since that moment that Lambda Chi Alpha is a values-driven organization. Our high ideals are voiced in our creed, and exemplified in our magnificent Ritual, but most truly expressed in our daily lives, as we strengthen our bond of brotherhood.
Traditions, Principles, and Ideals
The Creed of Lambda Chi Alpha
The Creed of Lambda Chi Alpha sums up all our teachings. It is recited at the beginning of every chapter meeting and other fraternity events.
The Seven Core Values
Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage
Exhortations of Rene d'Anjou
Lessons for the true gentleman, from the legendary founder of Lambda Chi Alpha.
Lambda Chi Alpha Strategic Plan
A statement on the strategic objectives, vision, and core values for the General Fraternity.
Symbols and Ritualism
Emblems of The Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
Information about the visual symbols of the fraternity, including the coat of arms, the brotherhood badge, and the associate member pin.
Ritual: What and Why
An open publication from Lambda Chi Alpha on the purpose of rituals and symbols, their history dating from Mithras and Eleusis to the present day, and on the development of Lambda Chi Alpha and Theta Kappa Nu’s mysteries and ceremonies and of the badge and other fraternity emblems.
International Links
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity: International Home
Official site of the General Fraternity and the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation.
The Cross and Crescent
Official site of the national magazine, now exclusively published online.
Lambda Chi Alpha Policies
Resolutions state the positions of Lambda Chi Alpha on a variety of topics, particularly where the sentiment of the Fraternity is sought to be included in a policy.
An Editorial In Defense of Fraternities
From the Purple, Green, and Gold— in 1920.
On the Fraternal Bond After Graduation
This 1921 letter from Ernst J.C. Fischer '10 O-34, not long after his election as Grand High Alpha, praises the bonds of fraternity both during and after school.