In addition to the many standard options for Reunion housing, we are pleased to offer a selection of rooms at the house for brothers returning for Reunion Weekend.
Rooms are available at a flat rate of $100 per room for the duration of the event, i.e. Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning. There is no limit to the number of people lodged per room, but the number you plan to house may affect which room is assigned. The fee covers a cleaning service for the bathrooms and common areas.
Parking and amenities
You may park in the house lot for the weekend; parking should also be available in the parking lot directly across Edgemoor Lane. Alumni staying at the house will be provided the front door code, WiFi password, and access to the common areas, with the understanding that every effort should be made to keep the house spotless for all visiting brothers and their guests.
This is strictly a no-frills experience. Rooms will have mattresses and desks, but no linens, and toiletries will not be supplied. Some rooms may have unit air conditioners, drink refrigerators, or microwave ovens, but these cannot be guaranteed to be present or in working order. Additionally, we do expect several undergraduate live-ins at the house this summer.
Check-in and check-out
Alumni who register for a room will be contacted by an ISWZA representative to arrange a check-in appointment.
Registration and Payment
You may use the PayPal link above to register online.
To send payment by mail, make your check payable to “Omicron Alumni Association” and send it to the Omicron Alumni Association - Records Office, P.O. Box 876, Ithaca, NY 14851-0876.